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Moderatori: IriS, Moderators
Originally posted by IriSznam znam.. pretpostavila da je ponedeljak dan za nove pocetke
e, ali ovo je sutra uveče, ne noćas![]()
Originally posted by Savrsheno_nesavrshenJeste, sreca moja ima tendencija ili da igra perfektno ili da ne igra uopste.
Ovako, Ana ili ispada u prva dva kola ili stize do finala.
Jeca stize do 1/4 finala. Nole stize do susreta sa Nadalom,ne znam da li je to 1/2 finale ili finale.Mislim da Djokovic moze dobiti Nadala.
Originally posted by UlixKo zna, ako su mogli da prenose Hamburg finale, gde je igrao Nadal protiv nesrpskog tenisera, a tad nisu prenosili finale WTA Rima...Originally posted by LunjaZar bi trebalo da nas interesuje bilo ko osim "nasih"?
Ne ocekuj da prenose ostale, neSrpske, teniser(k)e.![]()
Diamonds are a girl's best friend - just ask Asia
Ladies, gentlemen, and those in between - please meet the stunning Asia Muhammad, a junior standout from Andre Agassi's Las Vegas Academy. Asia is making her pro debut at the US Open today. Congrats!
And what prize does a 17-year old get on the biggest day of her newborn professional tennis career? Why a pink Price racquet adorned with her initial "A" made out of $1,750 worth of diamonds above her grip:
Originally posted by UlixJa sam spavao gledajuci mec, tj. gledao sam ga spavajuci. Jeste da u tenisu nije sve u agresivnoj igri, ali noc je falilo akcije, ali stvarnooo.Originally posted by LunjaJedva sam docekao mec sinoc i umro od dosade gledajuci ga.
I zasto Jelenin mec jos nije poceo?Spava mi se!
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