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Za ljubitelje sporta, i one koji se bave sportom...

Moderatori: IriS, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By spliff

i tako...
serena se (konachno) uchlanila u gold slam club

Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
Uh, jedva cekam da veceras spuca Mlekaricu, rezultatom 6:1 6:3... :fige:
Korisnikov avatar
By Casino
normale :D od mlekarice uvek dobro mleko :giggle:

pokori se i navijaj za viki sotono :shamar:
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
ja navijam za viku
ako ne igra protiv: jelene, serene, mare, ane, bojane...
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum


Za mene je ona vec najbolja u istoriji zenskog tenisa. Broj osvojenih GS titula koji jos uvek zaostaje za Martininim i Stefinim mi nista ne znaci u toj proceni. Ustvari, znaci to da Serena ima veliki pauze tjekom jedne sezone. Malo igra, malo ne igra. A, da ne govorim o periodima mirovanja usled povreda, kao i one nesrecne bolesti. Sve u svemu, svedoci smo njene velicine. Treba uzivati, dok nam to jos omogucava. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
stefi je pola karijere igrala sa povredjenim kolenom
ali nije parvila pauze po godinu i vishe dana kao serena
tako da se slazem za singijevom konstatacijom
mada su po broju pobeda na velikim takmichenjima stefi i martina i dalje ispred guzane
martinu mozda josh i stigne, ko zna...
jednom rechju: carica
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
Pa, dobro, stoji to za repere. :D

Ali, moj je utisak da je u tom periodu bilo maaalko lakse, zbog konkurencije mislim. Cuj, pa tada nije bilo Jeje da im staje na put u takvim uspesima! :smug:


Na kraju krajeva, mozda mogu da se razgranice dve kategorije - najbolja i najuspesnija. :shmi: Naravno, zvanicno je nemoguce proglasiti postojanje ove prve. Ali, usudio bih se reci da je Stefika svakako najuspesnija. :)
A, misljenja sam skromnog :lol: , da bi Guzana pocistila svojom igrom teniserke "stare garde"... :shmi:

Korisnikov avatar
By spliff

happy 31st birthday sweetie :party: :rodjendan: :palacinke:
i wish you more majors :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By sing&dunum
Sta, rodjisha joj danas? :shmi:

Srecna i beritjetna (u GS titulama :wundy: )! :cheer:

BANGKOK -- Serena Williams has had surgery on her big toes and withdrew from an exhibition match against top-ranked Victoria Azarenka in Thailand this month.

A medical certificate from Florida podiatrist Jeffrey Rockefeller says Williams "was treated for a chronic foot disorder which involved minor procedures on both of her great toes."

He said she needs to minimize activity to fully recover.

Williams, the WTA player of the year after winning Wimbledon, the U.S. Open and London Olympics, was replaced by Li Na for the exhibition on Dec. 29 in Hua Hin.
[url=]spliff napisao:[/url]BANGKOK -- Serena Williams has had surgery on her big toes and withdrew from an exhibition match against top-ranked Victoria Azarenka in Thailand this month.

A medical certificate from Florida podiatrist Jeffrey Rockefeller says Williams "was treated for a chronic foot disorder which involved minor procedures on both of her great toes."

He said she needs to minimize activity to fully recover.

Williams, the WTA player of the year after winning Wimbledon, the U.S. Open and London Olympics, was replaced by Li Na for the exhibition on Dec. 29 in Hua Hin.


Bas joj se ne da! Stalno neke zdravstvene tegobe. :shrug:
Korisnikov avatar
By spliff
serena is number one

the oldest player ever to achieve that :hail:
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