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L world character quiz
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 10:56
od Çâðê_DUP
You are a sexy lesbian who like to have her cake, and eat it too.....but don't be surprised when a relationship slaps you in the face. Business is your thing.
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 11:13
od hlaefdige
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 11:38
od Wilhelmina
You are a sexy, edgie lesbian who can pretty much have any women or man she wants, although you choose women. There is this one person in your life that you like a lot, but this person isn't someone to be serious with. Even though there is this one other someone who has what it takes to be in a serious relationship w/ you, you choose the other one.....and if you have to you will seek revenge.....retaliation is your forte.
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 12:16
od starky
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 12:53
od KosmickaCestica
You are a sexy, edgie lesbian who can pretty much have any women or man she wants, although you choose women. There is this one person in your life that you like a lot, but this person isn't someone to be serious with. Even though there is this one other someone who has what it takes to be in a serious relationship w/ you, you choose the other one.....and if you have to you will seek revenge.....retaliation is your forte.
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 13:23
od Dzelajza Rouz
You are a conservative women on the outside, and try to keep your cool and take care of responsibilities such a your job and family, but if someone fucks w/ you, you will blow up. You tend to play the male role in your relationship.
Ovo vise odgovara opisu moje zene.
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 13:26
od anche
bese vec ova tema. tad sam ispala tina, a sad me mrzi da radim. mozda kasnije

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 13:39
od bigirl
Iju... Pa ja se i nalazim u njoj od prve epizode... Al' je popljuvaše u opisu...
Your are an obsessive and crazy bitch who will do anything to get what she wants. You don't know how to let go and you're very clingy. You need some serious help.....and you love to accessorize. Journalism is your forte.

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 13:59
od Blady
Originally posted by hlaefdige
E da mi je znati sta si odgovorila kod 5 pitanja?

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 14:01
od Blady
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 14:01
od hlaefdige
stani da vidim...posto sam i ja kao anche to sad prepisala iz nekog davnog kviza..mozda nije to to
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 14:05
od hlaefdige
nisam ovaj resavala, nego neki drugi....ali opet sam dana!!!...mada mi opis bas onako....hmmm
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 14:13
od m..
Which L word character are you?
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You're an androgynous chick magnet, and as much as you'll try to be faithful, the pussy is just too powerful. There is that number one girl, but you can't forget number 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10000283.
a u pm, e bas nije. evo sam faithfull vec 4 ipo meseca, i ne nameravam to da menjam..
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 14:14
od hlaefdige
report this image..hahahahahahahhahahahahah!!
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 14:15
od m..
Lmao, kad mi se kosa ukovrdza postanem:
Which L word character are you?
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You are a conservative women on the outside, and try to keep your cool and take care of responsibilities such a your job and family, but if someone fucks w/ you, you will blow up. You tend to play the male role in your relationship.
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 14:16
od hasanaginica
oooo boze! shane!
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 14:28
od anche
blah... a bas sam se trudila da iskreno odgovaram na pitanja

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 14:32
od hlaefdige
pa i ja...ali ja stvarno nemam takvu kosu
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 14:56
od ^Inaniel^

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 15:08
od DarkAngel
Carmen, hm...ima istine ima.
You are a sexy, edgie lesbian who can pretty much have any women or man she wants, although you choose women. There is this one person in your life that you like a lot, but this person isn't someone to be serious with. Even though there is this one other someone who has what it takes to be in a serious relationship w/ you, you choose the other one.....and if you have to you will seek revenge.....retaliation is your forte. Jbt i u horoskopu mi pisu neke grdne osvete, ali to nije tacno

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 15:10
od Blady
Jel Dana ona teniserka?
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 15:13
od DarkAngel
Originally posted by QDF
Jel Dana ona teniserka?
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 15:20
od Blady
Pa vala bas i ne licim na nju, vise Hlaef podseca

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 15:27
od Swanheart
Which L word character are you?
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You're an androgynous chick magnet, and as much as you'll try to be faithful, the pussy is just too powerful. There is that number one girl, but you can't forget number 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10000283.

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 15:36
od anche
sadrzaj posta izbrisan usled autocenzure

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 18:59
od bigirl
Bože, jedina sam Alice.

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 19:08
od jukie
Which L word character are you?
You are a conservative women on the outside, and try to keep your cool and take care of responsibilities such a your job and family, but if someone fucks w/ you, you will blow up. You tend to play the male role in your relationship.
Ups ovo je estrogen fix
a i nije im neki izbor odgovora

Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 19:24
od colorado
Ja sam Kit. haha
Hocu da imam svoj klub, i jebem se s muskarcima... povremeno.
Poslato: 29 Maj 2008, 23:58
od J...
Which L word character are you?
You're an androgynous chick magnet, and as much as you'll try to be faithful, the pussy is just too powerful. There is that number one girl, but you can't forget number 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10000283.
Ipak sam za kvalitet, ne za kvantitet.
Poslato: 30 Maj 2008, 01:06
od jovanabeograd
mada sam ja licno mislim da sam kombinacija Alice i Helene...