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30.11.2006. :

18.00 h :

“ When Night Is Falling ” (1995)

Synopsis :

Camille, a professor at a Protestant College, is engaged to Martin, a sympathetic minister and fellow professor. As "career Christians," they are urged to get married and to become co-chaplains of the New College of Faith. But Camille is vaguely unhappy with Martin and her life, and when her beloved dog dies suddenly, she begins to lose her grip.
On the same day, in a laundromat, Camille meets Petra, a flamboyant circus performer, and is inexplicably attracted to her. Petra flirts brazenly with Camille. She draws her into the seductive world of the "modern primitive" circus. The two become friends, then more. For the first time in her proper and very intellectual life, Camille's desire comes rushing forward. She is shocked to find that she is infatuated with Petra. Soon, she believes that she is in love…

Starring: Pascale Bussières, Rachael Crawford

19:30 h :

“ Better Than Chocolate ” (1999)

Synopsis :

Walking home from an evening at the lesbian club 'Cat's Ass,' Maggie is confronted by a gang of skinheads. Suddenly a minibus comes to a screeching halt and out jumps Kim. The skins move on, and Maggie thanks Kim, who watches her go. This is their first meeting. Maggie has recently dropped out of law school and now works in a women's shop. To avoid a confrontation with her mother, she makes up a success story and tells her that she's living in a beautiful apartment. As her mother is having her difficulties with her second husband, she decides to take her young son and come to live with Maggie for a while. Meanwhile, Maggie is housesitting the apartment of a female performer on tour. As fate might have it, she runs across Kim again and they find themselves at the new apartment making love in the shower -- at which moment Maggie's mother and little brother step in. The film was screened as part of the Panorama section of the 49th International Berlin Film Festival, 1999.

The film takes its name from a lyric in Sarah McLachlan's song "Ice Cream", Your love is better than chocolate. Veena Sood, the sister of McLachlan's husband Ashwin Sood, has a small role in the film as a religious protestor.

Starring: Wendy Crewson, Karyn Dwyer, Christina Cox, Anne-Marie MacDonald, Marya Delver
Korisnikov avatar
By tessio
It's a girl's night :)

Ali obratite se gl.shtabu mozhda mogu da se podmite :srbin:
By Swanheart
"ponovo radi bioskop,ponovo radiiiii bioooskooooop"
By Pending-For-A-Bending
E a kada ce gay filmovi?

Ja ih imam par sjajnih!

Korisnikov avatar
By KiWi
Originally posted by unic0rn
nije za muske lezbejke :P
Ih bre ... tako nas nalože pa ništa ondak.
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
Ma dobro, nego jel ima, ovaj, jel ima zabavnih scena tamo?
By Swanheart
naravno da ne :lol: kad je bilo zabavnih scena kad su zenski filmovi u pitanju

Korisnikov avatar
By Adenim
Originally posted by Swanheart
naravno da ne :lol: kad je bilo zabavnih scena kad su zenski filmovi u pitanju

potpuno se slazem.
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
Zje, onda cu morati da pravim iste na licu mesta, samo da se javi adekvatan dobrovoljac.
By Swanheart
dobrovoljac iil dobrovoljac po naredjenju :trep:
Korisnikov avatar
By 2Q2Bstr8
i, šta, na kraju ostadoste bez podrške ženskog audotiorijuma pa odlučiste da otvorite bioskop?
By Bombina
ma cekaj da li je na engleskom da li nemaju prevodom
Korisnikov avatar
By tessio
Originally posted by m..
Ma dobro, nego jel ima, ovaj, jel ima zabavnih scena tamo?
Jeeee pa ja zbog tebe izabrala ova dva :sudija: :zvezda: :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Duh_iz_Konzerve
Aaaaaaa makanuli mi postove:shok2:
Ali ja i dalje ne znam sta jer rekla tessio?Ne znam eng:rotflmao:
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
Originally posted by Bombi
ma cekaj da li je na engleskom da li nemaju prevodom
Mislim da su imali titl, zvuk je bio toliko tih da smo morali da ga ukljucimo, samo ne znam da li je bio na engleskom ili srpskom, meni to dodje na isto pa nisam ni primetila.
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
Originally posted by tessio
Originally posted by m..
Ma dobro, nego jel ima, ovaj, jel ima zabavnih scena tamo?
Jeeee pa ja zbog tebe izabrala ova dva :sudija: :zvezda: :lol:

Mmmmmm! Hvala hvala, znaci obavezna sam da dodjem! :andjelak: :eya: :rock:
Korisnikov avatar
By tessio
Elem , ovoga puta zvuk ide preko ozvuchenja , a i dalje ostaju titlovi na engleskom ... Ako nadje neko na srpskom nek se javi :cool: :kolo:
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
Dakle, bili su na engleskom... Isto mi se desava da se slino zbunim kad nakon odgledanog filma skontam da gledam HRT, a ubedjena da je titl bio na srpskom....
Korisnikov avatar
By Dzelajza Rouz
Svratila sa "my precious", popila nes i schweppes... i povremeno gleduckala Better Than Chocolate...
Steta sto je bilo praznjikavo. Doduse, rano smo i otisle...I guess. :)
By Ulix
Predlazem da pustite When Night Falls, sa Javier Bardemom, prelep film. :)
Korisnikov avatar
By tessio
07 . 12 . 2006 . :

od 18 h : " Saving Face " ( 2004 )

Directed by : Alice Wu

Synopsis :

This first time director/author has made a movie that will have universal appeal. Although the main part of the plot centers on two Chinese women who are successful professionals and are love with each other, the movie is not "about" Chinese people or "about" lesbians. The story concerns how two interesting people deal with cultural taboos, with their places in the culture and in their families, and with the demands of their respective careers (surgeon and ballerina). But, even with this serious backdrop, the story is told with humor; there are more laughs and smiles than tears. When you see the movie, note how beautifully the romance between these protagonists develops.

Cast : Michelle Krusiec , Joan Chen , Lynn Chen

od 19:30 h : " Bound " ( 1996 )

Directed by : Andy Wachowsky
Larry Wachowsky

Synopsis :

Corky is a lesbian Ex convict who is working in a building as a plumber. Until she meets Violet, the sexy mistress of mafia gangster Caesar who both live next door. Both Corky and Violet have a love affair and Violet encourages Corky to help her steal 2 million dollars from Caesar who is holding the money is custody, and torturing and killing a man who stole the money from Ceaser's employer Mob boss Gino who will pick up the money himself, and set up Caesar to take the fall. Setting their plan in motion, the two lesbian lovers find their plan is about to go wrong, when Gino unexpectedly goes missing and Mickey, one of the gangsters is assigned to find him...

Cast : Gina Gershon , Jeniffer Tilly , Joe Pantoliano

Korisnikov avatar
By zboO
loool extraaaaa BOUND!!! :up:

joj ima li odje neko da ga nije gledao (teshko znaaaam)!!?? Moja kopija se izlizala..

By жњ
ja nisam gledala "Bound" :cupakosu:

kao ni "Better Than Chocolate", kao ni treci serijal "L Worda" :zid:
By pčelica
Originally posted by zbunjena

joj ima li odje neko da ga nije gledao (teshko znaaaam)!!??

Nisam ni ja.
(Sakata sam po pitanju lez kulture :cobanica: )
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
Ja sam gledala samo Bound, i ona dva filma iz prvog posta (tom prilikom upravo), i jos nesto sa Sharon, al sam se posexala s cicom posle 20 min, pa kontam da se ne racuna...
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
ja Gledala BOUND sa skajencicom pre nekoliko dana (svaka joj cast, a ona zna na SSta miSSIm :sofa: :lol: ) i J'opeT kazem , odLican film, poSebnO rezija i kamera...

ubiJ se ODMA !! :colorado:


eVrithinG kauNtSSSSSSSSSSSS :cobanica:
Korisnikov avatar
By zboO
@xyz & pcelica

chujte deco :lol:

ako je neko sakat po pitanju gay tematike onda sam to ja....ali da budem iskrena,zaista sam mislila da nema osobe koja nije odgledala chuveni je totalni shit (onako bash totalni...ima pocetak, sredinu i kraj...kekeke....kao fora radnja se odvija...i nije dosadan....skrooz moze da se odgleda, ali je opet shit :lol: )...ali...ALI....Gina igra glavnu ulogu....tako da u toj varijanti i govno mirishe ;) chak sta vishe za vreme bombardovanja mogao se pogledati u domu sindikata (sala 2 :D ) za male pare...nekih par dinara ako se ne varam?! Zamislite moje odusevljenje, gledam film, nemam pojma ko igra, plakat ne postoji....male pare i prkosimo nato bombama...kad ono pravi BUUUUUUM....Gina...u mmmmmm kombinaciji.... :trep: :trep:

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