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Moderatori: Over the rainbow, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By m..
Ju, trci lola trci.
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
Sve cestitke za vasu skolu, Swanheart.Znas da ne ljubim sport bas mnogo, i da ne igram kosarku vec citam kanta u parku, tako ti je to...
Cestitam, od srca! :drogane:
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
Originally posted by vivaldi

Susta suprotnost the1whowished

Jooooooooooooj, bre...
Ne znam koliko je ovo bilo pohvalno. U svakom slucaju, znam da delom nije. :potapsava:
By Swanheart
I uzeto prvo mesto na medju-okruznom takmicenju,sada sledi republicko u sredu Kragujevcu.
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
Originally posted by Swanheart
I uzeto prvo mesto na medju-okruznom takmicenju,sada sledi republicko u sredu Kragujevcu.
For further details please check "Zelje, pozdravi i otpozdravi" .
Yours sincerely,

the 1:up:
Korisnikov avatar
By vivaldi
a kad smo vec kod the1 ... kakav si to text uzela za avatar ? Cak ni sa babinim naocarima ne mogu da procitam :pinknaocari: :hekla:
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
6. odozdo red se zavrsava sa 'by night'...
Mislim da pise negde 'In the kingdom by the sea'... ne, nemam nikakve nadnaravne moci, nego pishem sitno pa sam navikla na desifrovanje...
Korisnikov avatar
By vivaldi
Originally posted by m..
6. odozdo red se zavrsava sa 'by night'...
Mislim da pise negde 'In the kingdom by the sea'...
Onda je to Anabel Lee... Cekaj da vidimo sta ce theOne.... da kaze
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
Originally posted by vivaldi
a kad smo vec kod the1 ... kakav si to text uzela za avatar ? Cak ni sa babinim naocarima ne mogu da procitam :pinknaocari: :hekla:
Ovo je Annabel Lee...E. A. Poe...
Hoces text o istom koji ulazi u skolski casopis? :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
E, flopi mi nije tu, ali prebacivam text cim ga uzmem natrag od profesorke francuskog.
I wroomche je krajnje zainteresovan... :hvala:
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
Evo ga...

Edgar Allan Poe- maintaining the beauty

"Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven...
...And it makes me wonder..."
(J. Page, R. Plant, "Stairway to Heaven")

Always wanting to have had a chance to meet Edgar Allan Poe, I couldn't help but wonder whether he, as "one of the cursed ones" among the writers, had been influenced by his illusory mystical and obscure life, or not. A brief comparison of the biographical facts and his work is tried to be made in the lines to come, disregarding the present (past) fame which surely means little in the pure form of art itself.
"It was many, many years ago..." Edgar Allan Poe, born in Boston in 1809, was clearly struck by events beyond his will and prediction- all of which, in one way or another, made it clear that he was to become one of the world's most important and accepted figures. Since his parents, both actors, had died in his early childhood, he was adopted by an aristocratic family of Poe. In 1815, the Poe family moves to England, and it is there, among the strict and conservative atmosphere of the classrooms of the Victorian age, where young Poe gains his education.
Moving back to the States again, he continues his education in the schooling of the University of Virginia. Despite all of his obvious talents he is to leave the University soon after, and all because of some gambling issues of his. Yet, under a fake name he joins the Military Academy in West Point willing to make himself an army career. At that point, in 1829, a small collection of his early poems, including "Tamerlan" and "Al Araf", is published. Once again, a viceful and slovenly life makes it impossible for him to continue with his education, and he is released of military service in 1831.
Having an enormous row with his stepfather results Poe getting nothing according to the testament after his stepfather's death in 1834. Keeping in mind his own success accomplished in 1833, resulting two prizes won on an open contest (one for a poem and one for a story), he fully devotes himself to writing. Moreover, he becomes an associate of different newspapers and magazines.
The golden period of his creativity is probably initiated with his marriage with Virginia Klem in 1836. Tragically, she dies soon after (1837), leaving Poe no other choice but to come to a full and characteristic way of writing and expressing on the whole: 1848 is marked with "The Storytelling of Mr. Arthur Gordon Primm", a work of fantastic and avanturistic content. This piece of writing is followed by novels and stories titled "The Stories of Arabesc and Grotesc" in 1839, and the world's famous "Raven" in 1845, enhancing his skilness and enduring the burden of his lonely, darkened soul, and, at the same time, revealing it in a most sophisticated way. One of the weirdest surely is "Eureca", a mixture of half-philosophical and half-fantastical elements found in a form of a poem in prose.
"And this was a reason that long ago..." Poe's genuine gift and creativity had influenced not only European symbolists, but the post-romantic goth movement and many other subcultures.
Just one year kept him apart from the death he got face-to-face with in a hospital in Baltimore. It is fragility and alcoholism that had brougt him to his state; "how fortunate the man with none..."
It is, however, not too late for us to interpret the delicate signals ever-pulsing through his works, nor to accept the messages in all of their brightness.

Cacak, 2005
Korisnikov avatar
By vivaldi
WOW, svaka cast, theOne... kratko, jasno, zaokruzeno, zrelo, iznenadila se me izuzetnim engleskim (jedino mislim da si mogla da izbegnes onaj pasiv : "A brief comparison of the biographical facts and his work is tried to be made in the lines to come..." ... Sigurna sam da ce CAE proci na najbolji moguci nacin...
Korisnikov avatar
By Orlando the Lady
:blush: Hvala. I u pravu si za pasiv, mada profesorima nije smetao...meni zvuci pomalo grubo, nedefinisano...
Inace, rad je trebao da ima 8 stranica...a ne samo jednu...Buhaaaaaa :placko:
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
A upotreba glagola trebati? LOL, i'm a mean bitch..ljubim.
Korisnikov avatar
By vivaldi
Originally posted by the1whowished
:blush: Hvala. I u pravu si za pasiv, mada profesorima nije smetao...meni zvuci pomalo grubo, nedefinisano...
Inace, rad je trebao da ima 8 stranica...a ne samo jednu...Buhaaaaaa :placko:
Nemoj da te to vodi, the One...Sustina je mnogo vaznija od forme... ja sam na jednom kongresu imala rad cije je izlaganje trajalo znatno krace od predvidjenog vremena... Na pripremnoj sesiji jedina zamerka komisije je bila upravo to. Naravno da nisam nista menjala jer sam bila sigurna u kvalitet... Epilog... na glavnom kongresu rad je proglasen najboljim :oskar:
Korisnikov avatar
By Val
Originally posted by Inner-Smile
Jok vala ne trteba njoj lepa rech nego brdoooo pornica :) (sad moze i da me ubije, veshta sam bezanju po bolesnichkim hodnicima) :) ma ljubim ja tebe moja Shmi :)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ma poljubi ti nju i za mene. Nego, sta ce joj pornici , kad ima mene? :D

Korisnikov avatar
By Val
Originally posted by shmizllica
Rezerva,rezerva... :smilegrin: :opacupa:

Opet me teras da se inatim? :D

Ajd bas da vidim, da li ce ti pasti na pamet posle...
Korisnikov avatar
By Val
Originally posted by shmizllica
Videcemo ... :nesmemdaprevrcemocima: :smilegrin:

Korisnikov avatar
By Val
Originally posted by shmizllica

Aham. A gde mi ga dajes? :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Val
Originally posted by shmizllica
O cemu ti to ? :opatica:

O temi bez teme. :cigareta:
long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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