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Kompletna anketa za devojke (novo glasanje)

1. ja sam butch, privlace me butch
2. ja sam butch, privlace me femme
3. ja sam butch, privlace me andro
Nema glasova
4. ja sam andro, privlaci me andro
5. ja sam andro, privlaci me femme
6. ja sam andro, privlaci me butch
7. ja sam soft butch privlaci me butch
8. ja sam soft butch privlaci me andro
Nema glasova
9. ja sam soft buch privlaci me femme
10. ja sam butch/softbuch i privlaci me lipstick lesbian (i obrnuto)
11. ja sam femme i privlaci me lipstick lesbian (i obrnuto)
12. ja sam andro i privlaci me lipstick lesbian (i obrnuto)
Nema glasova
13. ja sam femme i privlace me girly girls
(i obratno)
14. ja sm butch/soft buch i privlace me girly girls (i obratno)
15. ja sam andro i privlace me girly girls (i obratno)
Nema glasova
16. ja sam femme i privlaci me femme/andro
17. ja sam femme/andro i privlaci me femme/andro
18. ja sam butch/soft buch i privlaci me femme andro
19. ja sam andro i privlaci me femme andro
20 i am tom boy and i like them all
Korisnikov avatar
By LittleRed
cini mi se da je vise kategorija, nego aktivnih forumasica :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By sleepingsun
ej a sta je lipstik lesbian? :ledeni: ne znamjbt
i sta da radim..kad meni je gotivna i Shane iz L worda..i onaj tip iz Hima jer mi je unisex:smeh: i imam momente kad mise svidi neka decak devojka bolesno lepa..a pomalo zenstvena..jtb al sam ja sick
al u globalu volim femme:galerija:
Korisnikov avatar
By Neve
Više ne znam ni ko sam, ni šta sam. :nerd:
Ubola sam 17. sam ne znam jesam li potrefila. :hmm:
By Çâðê_DUP
*Girly girl is a slang term for a girl or woman who chooses to dress and behave in a traditionally feminine style, such as wearing floral dresses, blouses and skirts, and talking about relationships and other activities which are associated with the traditional gender role of a girl. It is an informal term and has also been adopted within the lesbian community by very feminine lesbians.

*Baby Dyke
A young butch or soft butchunder the age of 25.

*Androgynous, andro
A lesbian who is neither masculine nor feminine in appearance or behavior. Universally known as Unisex.

*Blue Jean Femme
A Blue Jean Femme is a lesbian who identifies as femme but prefers jeans and more casual clothing to dresses and skirts.

Incredibly masculine lesbian.
Origins: This supports the theory that dyke originates from the Celtic language as Queen Boudicca was around at the time and she was known for being an incredibly powerful woman.

Used to describe a lesbian who is masculine in appearance and outlook. Often relates to the way she dresses, the hairstyle, the shoes she wears etc.
Origins: Some say it comes from 1930's America from Butch, a strong and popular man's name of that time. Others believe it stems from the 1950's when both in the UK and USA working class lesbian couples dressed as one masculine and one feminine, whilst the middle class preferred to hide behind their feminine demeanor.

*Chapstick Lesbian
Another term for androgynous or Sporty Lesbian.
Origins: Introduced in the late 1990's to take on all those lipstick lesbians out there!

Once again this term means incredibly masculine lesbian, particularly those that drive heavy equipment and trucks.

Another term for butch. Originally used as disparaging term for a lesbian.
Origins: This may have originated from the Celtic language, or possibly from the slang word dike used in the nineteenth century, which means male clothing. This term is widely accepted in lesbian circles but if a straight person were to call you a dyke this is thought to be offensive!

*Earthy-crunchy dyke/Granola Lesbian
A lesbian who is usually vegetarian and usually either New Age or Neopagan and has a She is often considered an earth-mother type and tends to wear Birkenstocks.

A lesbian who dresses in a feminine nature and has a feminine manner. Femmes are said to prefer skirts, flouncy clothes, makeup, and spending inconceivable amounts on their hair. (Not always true). They are the opposites of butch.
Origins: This originates from the same time as when the term butch became popular in the 1950's where lesbians were forced to choose which way they would dress in bars, or the working class lesbian couples chose to dress that way.

*Glamour butch
A butch who likes to wear fancy suits, tuxedos, etc, frequently.

*Gold-star lesbian
A lesbian who never has and never intends to have sex with a man. Sometimes they also get points for never sleeping with bisexuals.

A lesbian who's too old to be a baby dyke, but still fairly young and is usually a soft butch.

*High Femme
A lesbian who expresses the cultural norm for ultra-femininity - makeup, dresses, heels, hair, nails. May not identify as a lesbian if her desires are exclusively for Stone Butches and FtM's.

*Lipstick Lesbian
Another term for femme. However it can also mean feminine women who are attracted to other feminine women.
Origins: This is a slang term introduced in the late 1990's.
( ja :D )

*Low femme
A femme lesbian who is, perhaps, not quite so stereotypically feminine as a high femme, usually preferring jeans and a blouse or t-shirt to skirts for everyday. Also known as a Blue Jean Femme.
(i ovo sam ja :D )

*Mama Bear
A female police officer or security guard.

*Pillow Princess
A lesbian who is unwilling or uninterested in reciprocating sex.

Any lesbian under the age of consent.

Queer was originally a derogatory term used to taunt and mock anyone who was not heterosexual or who did not conform to or uphold society's gender expectations. Now queer has been reclaimed by much of the LGBTQ community as an umbrella term referring to sexual orientations and identities (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning) that fall outside of the mainstream. It can also express a conscious desire to challenge the societal norm.

*Saturday Night Butch
A term from the 1950s and 60s, when butch/femme was the norm in lesbian bars, this means that a person was not a real butch, but only dressed up as a butch on the weekends.

*Soft Butch
A soft butch is a lesbian whose appearance is usually more androgynous. She may dress and act in a masculine manner, but be soft and more feminine on the inside. Also, a soft butch can be someone who falls somewhere between butch and femme, but closer to the butch side.

*Sport Dyke
A sport dyke is a lesbian, who more than anything, identifies with being an athlete. She may also dress in a manner that would give the impression she is an athlete, like baseball caps, sweatshirts and jeans.

*Stone Butch
Most masculine of the Butches. They may pass as male without actually trying. May identify as transgender, that is identifying outside of the gender usually associated with females and will often be seen as male by the outside world. Does all or most of the above in masculine gender expressions. May or may not be sexually aggressive. Will not be made love to as one would a "woman". Will derive sexual pleasure from pleasing partner and will not allow "womanly" genital touching or penetration. Usually will have questioned their gender at some time in their lives. Will not be comfortable with their female body. May think of Butch as a separate gender from man & woman.

*Stone femme
A femme lesbian who never tries to flip or "melt" her Stone Butch. lover, but prefers to pleasure her lover by taking a passive role in sex. A second definition is a femme lesbian who does not like to be touched, much like a stone butch.

*Strum Queen
Lesbian that likes masturbating in front of other lesbians.

An aggressive woman.

*Tit King
A lesbian attracted to women with large breasts.

By Çâðê_DUP
Originally posted by sleepingsun
ej a sta je lipstik lesbian? :ledeni: ne znamjbt
i sta da radim..kad meni je gotivna i Shane iz L worda..i onaj tip iz Hima jer mi je unisex:smeh: i imam momente kad mise svidi neka decak devojka bolesno lepa..a pomalo zenstvena..jtb al sam ja sick
al u globalu volim femme:galerija:
evo pise gore :hvala:

tebi se, kao i meni, najvise dopada tzv femme/andro kategorija, a cak i andro ako je bas lepa :zongler:
By partizanka88
gledam rezultate i zakljucak je sljedeci

femme/girly girls dominiraju

cure,,GDJE STE? :D

andro mi se takodjer svidjaju,,ako butch strana nije dominirajuca znaju biti pravo lijepe :)
By Paranoid Androgynoid

e ovo se zove anketa.. a ne one 4 opcije.
:up: angie!
19 :mljac:


a ovo je absolutely right!
Originally posted by LittleRed
cini mi se da je vise kategorija, nego aktivnih forumasica :lol:
By Swanheart
*Mama Bear
A female police officer or security guard.

Korisnikov avatar
By m..
17 i 20, pa ko razume.
Korisnikov avatar
By vanillapuff
Hahahahha, za mene ovde nedostaje I'm a girly girl & I like them all!! ;)
:sweet: :lizalica: :andjelak:
By Bombina
Originally posted by vanillapuff
Hahahahha, za mene ovde nedostaje I'm a girly girl & I like them all!! ;)
:sweet: :lizalica: :andjelak:
a koja opcija etc etc nasa vanilika
By Çâðê_DUP
Originally posted by vanillapuff
Hahahahha, za mene ovde nedostaje I'm a girly girl & I like them all!! ;)
:sweet: :lizalica: :andjelak:
evo, to neka bude opcija I OBRATNO (13a) :mazi:
By Çâðê_DUP
mogu ja jos kompletniju anketu da vam sastavim :evilkiss:
Korisnikov avatar
By m..
ja mu tu def dodjem blue jean femme/andro, mada imam i soft butch i stud ispade, ali to je iskljucivo u ponasanju.
Korisnikov avatar
By vanillapuff
Originally posted by Angelina777
Originally posted by vanillapuff
Hahahahha, za mene ovde nedostaje I'm a girly girl & I like them all!! ;)
:sweet: :lizalica: :andjelak:
evo, to neka bude opcija I OBRATNO (13a) :mazi:
HvaJa, Angelina!!! :sweet: :kiss:
By Çâðê_DUP
ja mogu da prodjem kao femme, low femme, femme/andro, a dopadaju mi se lipstick lesbians, girly girls, femme generalno, low femme, femme/andro i andro (ako su bas lepe :D )

pricamo o physical appeariance ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By sofia
ma,nemam pojma...

ali glasala sam za 19...sta znam
Korisnikov avatar
By starsailor
ponekad se osecam ko soft butch, uglavnom kao andro, jedan dan volim andro, drugi dan soft butchice,treci femmcie. a danas sam glasala za 19. trenutak raspolozenja:)
Korisnikov avatar
By shishmish
ja sam aseksualna bivsa femica u telu buchice koju vise niko ne privlaci...
mozda dobri automobili...
Korisnikov avatar
By starky
Originally posted by shishmish
ja sam aseksualna bivsa femica u telu buchice koju vise niko ne privlaci...
mozda dobri automobili...
e,sad kao bivsa femica,imas vise sanse kod mene... :roflmao:

a i kupujem dobar auto...:giggle:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Originally posted by vanillapuff
Originally posted by Angelina777
Originally posted by vanillapuff
Hahahahha, za mene ovde nedostaje I'm a girly girl & I like them all!! ;)
:sweet: :lizalica: :andjelak:
evo, to neka bude opcija I OBRATNO (13a) :mazi:
HvaJa, Angelina!!! :sweet: :kiss:
Ne znam dal' sam sVatila lepo medju brojnim opcijama, pa da proverim-jel to svastojeb opcija? Ako jeste, glasam za nju.

molim one koji glasaju za tu opciju da se ne nadju uvredjenim "svastojeb" pojmom, uopste nije derogatoRi, to je neka srboprevedinca za pansekshual koju koristim :peace:

I jel grily girl dodje ovde femme? Jerbo nisam bogme girly girl, zenturacha sam :smeh:
Ali femme :kosa: :giggle:
By Bombina
nanny je femica izgleda privlaci butcice i andro:shake:
Korisnikov avatar
By vremecuda
Nisam glasala...Nema opcije koja meni odgovara.
Ranije....Privlacile su me femm zene,a ja sam "etiketirana"kao butch....Cak sam i sebi uvrtela u glavu da sam butch i da me samo privlace femmice...
Medjutim,razbila sam predrasude...Sad znam...
Ja sam Zena i privlace me ZENE !!! :)
By Çâðê_DUP
13a ili vanilina opcija glasi: I'm a girly girl & I like them all!! :kupanje:

moje opcije: 11, 13, 16, 17 :D
By Çâðê_DUP
Originally posted by partizanka88
sta je femme/andro??

*femme andro

A lesbian who is not stereotypically femme as a classical femme, usually wearing jeans and a blouse or t-shirt for everyday. :camac:

dakle, nije bas girly girl femica, ali nije bas ni andro, nego nesto..izmedju :D
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