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Moderatori: Over the rainbow, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By Oziris
Oziris i dalje nema poslednje epizode druge sezone... :povez:
By Paris
ParisH. menja cd-e sa L Word-om za prazne (Verbatimove):lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
kittrie menja raspolozenje za 1.000.000 eu ! :)
By Tea
Odgledala prvih 13 epizoda...serijica je opushtajuca....

Jel ima neko drugu sezonu da mi nareze ???:grin:
Korisnikov avatar
By Oziris
Odgledala drugu sezonu do kraja.. HVALA GORANE :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: Jedva cekam trecu sezonu... Ovo izmedju Alice, Dane i Lare mi ne sluti na dobro...
By Tea
Originally posted by Goraan
Pitaj osobu koja ti je dala prvu sezonu :P
Uramicu te !!! :hail: :hail: :hail:
By Paris
Originally posted by _Osiris_
Jedva cekam trecu sezonu...

Treca sezonaSlika
Korisnikov avatar
By Oziris
Originally posted by ParisH.
Originally posted by _Osiris_
Jedva cekam trecu sezonu...

Treca sezonaSlika
Ovaaaj, sta god da si htela da kazes... :trep:
By Paris
Originally posted by _Osiris_
Ovaaaj, sta god da si htela da kazes... :trep:
htela sam da kazem da je bas super sto se nastavlja:wink:


Korisnikov avatar
By Kittrie
a sto da ne?
rejting im opada ZNACAJNO, pa da bi ugodili sirim narodnim masama, pola ce ih biti sa likovima :smeh:
i to da docekam hehehehe
Korisnikov avatar
By Neodoljiva
Treca sezona


* Some rumoured guest stars for the next season include; Tina's mother, Annette Kennard, played by Gina Doty, Russell Simmons & Billy Campbell playing the role of Henry.

* In regards to the storyline heres some of the things we'vebeen hearing;

- Tina starts to fall for a man named Henry Young. Angelica will have her 1yr party as Bette comes home to see Henry and Tina flirting in the kitchen.
- Bette for some reason ends up in a monastery
- Ivan and Billie (Alan Cummings) fire Kit from the planet due to some missing money that her son stole for her to have some medical procedure done and so she takes up drinking again.
- Moira does turn into Max (a man) but Jenny will break up with him. Helena wins the court case and gets custody of her children but loses Dylan (her lover) in the process.
- Dana dies either due to cancer and/or heart failure (apparently she was let out of her contract so she could concentrate on two new movies she's going to be making) in episode 310. Alice falls to the ground shaking as the toy flower she just bought plays the song "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine" and then it goes to black screen and you see the time 2:38 and the time stops. The death of Dana. Apparently some of the old cast come back for this scene, Tim (and his pregnant wife, played by Georgia Craig) and Tonya. Alice will do the eulogy along with Shane, Howie and Dana's mother.
- Shane and Carmen break up before the season finale. Shane shuts everyone out because of Dana's death and Carmen can't deal with it.
- The show will have a Beverly Hills 90210 feel to it. A music guest will perform in every show.
BUT alternate versions that we'veheard have been;

- Dana does not die. The person that dies in Dana's family is Sharon Fairbanks. Sharon finds out that Howie is gay and she doesn't leave Dana and Howie anything in her will.
- Bette and Tina break up. It's a bittersweet emotional moment between the two of them. Tina will not sleep with the Henry character, she fights off the urge to sleep with him. Angelica will get deathly ill in the season finale that will bring Bette and Tina back together momentarily.
- After Max-Moira has his surgery Jenny will break up with him after he hits her.
- Dylan will want move in with Helena but Helena will be to busy consoling Tina with Angelica's illness to pay attention to Dylan so Dylan will get jealous and move back to Sacramento.
- Shane finds her birth mother and Carmen comes out to her family in episode 311. They do not take it well. Carmen will break up with Shane because of her family, Shane leaves town to stay with her birth mother for a few days but comes back when she gets word of Angelica.

Some off screen rumours;

Erin Daniels and Eric Lively had a summer fling last year. Erin is currently single but she isn't gay. Mia has a boyfriend but she is BI. Jennifer and Laurel really don't hang out around the set they go home to their families after filming. Dallas Roberts is the loner on the set. Ilene only wrote two episodes this year the first one and the season or maybe series finale depends on how the ratings do this year. The writing staff only has 7 people on it this year. Elizabeth Ziff of Betty is one of them. A writer from Soul Food the series is new to the writers table. Showtime head honchos gave IC full reign on the show this year and she has run wild with it. And finally, there has been talk that Sarah Shahi either quit or was fired.
Korisnikov avatar
By Oziris
Wow, ovo je bilo prilicno opsirno, nemoguce i neverovatno. ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By bisex-I-guess
pliiiz ljudiii.. ajde znam da imate epizode :D :D :lukavi:

ne mozete se sakritiii :kosach: :D :D :P
Korisnikov avatar
By zboO

ja nemam pojma kod koga su moji diskovi, a kada saznam, ta osoba ce umreti u najvecim mukama!!!

Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
:uplasen: ooooovaaaaaj... da nisu kod mene :puzzle:

Korisnikov avatar
By Val
Joj, josh ova tema aktuelna? Pa ko bre josh gleda te sapunice? :nerd:
By Acorn Girl
Ona glavna tema je super:

Girls in tight dresses
Who drag with mustaches
Chicks drivin' fast
Ingenues with long lashes
Women who long, love, lust
Women who give
This is the way
It is the way that we live

Talking, laughing, loving, breathing,
fighting, fucking, crying, drinking,
riding, winning, losing, cheating,
kissing, thinking, dreaming.

This is the way
It's just the way that we live
It's just the way that we live
And love
Korisnikov avatar
By Neodoljiva
secanje na jenny i marinu

Sadržaj ovog posta je obrisan zbog kršenja autorskih prava

Za GS tim
kiss addict, moderator
Korisnikov avatar
By Neodoljiva
Sadržaj ovog posta je obrisan zbog kršenja autorskih prava

Za GS tim
kiss addict, moderator
Korisnikov avatar
By Minie
Auuu... jos kako si upravu za Helenu! Ona je nice girl!
Evo i meni isto treba helping hand za seriju!Neka se neko smiluje!Lovim vec godinu dana bezuspesno! :osama:
Korisnikov avatar
By freelancer
ama ima da se skine cak i na skromnom aresu hrpetina epizoda! o mazgi necu ni da pricam, tamo ima po serijalima. ja skidala i dok sam imala dial up, ali ondaK sam se malo razocarala, pa sam batalila, te imam svega par epizoda. nekako su mi previse artificial, mada moram da priznam, i to teska srca, da je shane a real hottie. al' ona curka sa kojom su je na kraju smuvali nikakva nije. a i uzasno me iritira onaj psihoproblematicni jenny lik koji ima neke vizije iz detinjstva. moglo je to mnogo bolje da se odradi sa onim budzetom koji je bio na raspolaganju. pojedine glumice su krajnje neubedljive kao lez. ne mogu da vizuelizujem cednu i smernu jeniffer beals kako izvodi kunilingus. c'mon, bre, 'de to moze?!? kad je vidim odmah ocekujem da stane da tancuje i pravi piruete i druge plesne zahvate, a da u narednoj sceni brusi metalne stangle u nekoj fabrickoj hali. ali ona i sex sa zenom! no way! jedino ona bivsa k.d.lang girlie, za koju pouzdano znamo da je lez i shane mogu da prodju. mnogo sam vise ocekivala, ali dobro, ipak je led probijen, a to je bitno.
Korisnikov avatar
By Neodoljiva
ma koja bwe curka sa kojom su shane smuvali.......nadam da nepricas o carmen........jer ona je frikin hottttttttt :) .......ja sam se zaljubila u nju.....i u jenny......malo u alice.....malo u bette....malo u tinu....malo u helenu....i naravno u marinu....... :) :jerry:

nadam se da nisam nikog zaboravila :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Goran Smith
Po?inje uskoro ...

:: S E A S O N 3 ::
(US Airdate-January 8 2006)

spremite kompove za download :unic0rn: :superheroj:
Korisnikov avatar
By zivanshe
hello grlz! :grin:

ako nekom treba S1/S2, poslacu mu na DVDu,
a epizode 3. serijala cu imati (najverovatnije) 5 dana posle emitovanja u US. :smilegrin:
zs always shares ;)
Korisnikov avatar
By zboO
ah....brzo ce taj 8. januar :spin: spremamo se, spremamo se.....diskovi spremni...i nagomilani... :lol:

ja sam danas odgledala i 4. sezonu Queer As Folk....i suuper je, suuuuper je...toplo preporuchujem...BOLJA je od "L word" ... :yes: :yes: spremam se da gledam i 5. sezonu, ali nemam sve epizode, pa se razmisljam da li uopste da pushtam cd :shrug:
Korisnikov avatar
By zboO
:lol: :lol: potpisali smo to odavno!!

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