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Sestrogen. Kutak za lezbo trenutak...

Moderatori: Over the rainbow, Moderators

Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Macko ti i dalje imas dajl ap? Pitam zbog ovog dokumentarca, bio bi ti jako zanimljiv. I ima jedna butchica, koja je iz istog mesta kao i kd lang, i izgleda kao njena starija /mozda cak i zgodnija/ verzija:bale:
Korisnikov avatar
By vanillapuff
Ma da, jos sam na dial up-u, na svakom kompjuteru za kojim mozes da me nadjes... :sigh:

Jedva cekam da stignem u XXI vek sto se internet veze tice.... :vezan:

Uhh, videcu kako bih to mogla da pogledam.... :trep: :andjelak:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Mozda mogu da pomognem :namig2:
U svakom slucaju, citala sam juce zanimljivu diskusiju o tome kako se butch zene cesto stide da kazu da imaju sub i bottom sklonosti, i same unutar zajednice osecaju pritisak da budu ono sto se smatra "ispravnim" za butch identitet-Dominacija, uvek Top...
Jedna queer butch je rekla "oh da naravno da razmisljam o tome koliko sam butch dok me ona fistuje i ja placem od jacine orgazma..."
Naravno bila je sarkasticna, ali malo je njih koje su hrabre da to kazu-da butch nije jednako Dom, nije jednako stone...
Korisnikov avatar
By vanillapuff
Originally posted by devokICA
Mozda mogu da pomognem :namig2:
U svakom slucaju, citala sam juce zanimljivu diskusiju o tome kako se butch zene cesto stide da kazu da imaju sub i bottom sklonosti, i same unutar zajednice osecaju pritisak da budu ono sto se smatra "ispravnim" za butch identitet-Dominacija, uvek Top...
Jedna queer butch je rekla "oh da naravno da razmisljam o tome koliko sam butch dok me ona fistuje i ja placem od jacine orgazma..."
Naravno bila je sarkasticna, ali malo je njih koje su hrabre da to kazu-da butch nije jednako Dom, nije jednako stone...


devokICE, ovo je vec za posebnu temu!!! :klap:

Steta sto nema nas vise koji smo zainteresovani da diskutujemo o svemu ovome.. Tacno je, normativi jednako pogadjaju i nas LGBT populaciju koji bismo, prema nekakvom mogucem razmisljanju, trebali da budemo van polja standardnih, mainstream normativa.

Joj, ovo je skroz zanimljiva tema!!!!! :hyper: :up:
Korisnikov avatar
By vanillapuff
Originally posted by devokICA
malo je njih koje su hrabre da to kazu-da butch nije jednako Dom, nije jednako stone...
...a ova Hrabrost je vrhunsko svojstvo Jacine i Snage koja je u njima..... :love: :sweet:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Pa, mislim da nije lose o ovome diskutovati, kako bi eventualno butch decke/zene znale da je TO OKEJ i da ako one osecaju svoju senzualnost tako, to nikako ne znaci da one ne mogu biti deo BF dinamike, kao i da to ne znaci da nisu butch. Kakve sam Top femme videla na tom forumu, u vezi sa sub butch, je za divljenje. I niko tu ne gubi identitet, samo je senzualnost drugacija:)
By polarlicht4.1
Oh, pa ne da normativi pogađaju LGB (ovde već TIQ ne može) populaciju nego je tresu kao teška groznica. I to nije puko uopštavanje sa moje strane, treba samo pogledati oglase a i ovaj forum i videti koliko se ljudi drže svojih heteronormativom određenih identiteta i društvenih uloga. Toliko da će pre sve ostale koji queeruju takav identitet svrstati u "bolesne" i "nenormalne" (standardna i vekovima stara tehnika) nego bar malo zastati i zapitati se šta tu ne štima.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Originally posted by vanillapuff
Originally posted by devokICA
malo je njih koje su hrabre da to kazu-da butch nije jednako Dom, nije jednako stone...
...a ova Hrabrost je vrhunsko svojstvo Jacine i Snage koja je u njima..... :love: :sweet:
Bas tako-mislim da upravo TO-hrabrost treba da bude zajednicka osobina. A ne mesto u okviru smbd zajednice ili vrsta senzualnosti:)
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Originally posted by polarlicht4.1
Oh, pa ne da normativi pogađaju LGB (ovde već TIQ ne može) populaciju nego je tresu kao teška groznica. I to nije puko uopštavanje sa moje strane, treba samo pogledati oglase a i ovaj forum i videti koliko se ljudi drže svojih heteronormativom određenih identiteta i društvenih uloga. Toliko da će pre sve ostale koji queeruju takav identitet svrstati u "bolesne" i "nenormalne" (standardna i vekovima stara tehnika) nego bar malo zastati i zapitati se šta tu ne štima.
Upravo tako.
Meni su zato zanimljivi identiteti u okviru koji odskacu i upiru u oko ostalima.
By polarlicht4.1
Ali da li je moguće onda govoriti o identitetu ukoliko isti dovodi u pitanje identitet (rodni, polni, itd.)? I ono što me kopka ovih dana - da li queer postoji samo odnosu prema heteronormativu? Zar nije heteronormativ taj koji ipak na neki način određuje ono što je queer u odnosu na njega? Čitam "Queer phenomenology" Sare Ahmed gde ona tvrdi da heteronormativ postaje svojevrsni background stalnim ponavljanjem istog (načina mišljenja, govora, ponašanja) a da se queer percipira tek posle jer treba da ima nešto od čega odskače. Valjda ovo ima smisla...
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Da kapiram...
Medjutim, identiteti postoje.
Probaj da kazes transbutch da njen identitet ne postoji ili da treba da ga se odrekne :pucaodsmeha:
Ali razumem tvoje /filozofsko/ pitanje :namig2:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Tako i odredjeni BF odnos postaje normativ od koga drugaciji BF odnos koji sam gore pomenula odskace...:namig2:
By polarlicht4.1
Originally posted by devokICA
Probaj da kazes transbutch da njen identitet ne postoji ili da treba da ga se odrekne :pucaodsmeha:
:hmm: Ne bih ja to....Slabašne sam konstitucije a i kratke noge imam. :smeh:

Dakle, normativ je udes (ha! javlja mi se Hajdeger iz nekog ćoška svesti) i queer aktivnosti?
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Bas tako!
Jbg, izgleda da humans ne mogu bez normativa :sigh:
By polarlicht4.1
Ali možda može! - uskliknuh to sa slikom Delezovih želećih mašina i slobodnih flukseva želje u glavi. :crveni:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Evo mi se trudimo :viknu to sa desnom rukom na kojoj joj je burma drzeci gay smbd zastavu:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Posto sam na BDSM temi postovala linkove sa BF americkog sajta, mislim da bi jedino bilo fer da ih postujem ovde za sve leather BF kao i za sve koji su open minded, ili zele da vide malo drugaciju perspektivu, ne samo senzualnosti vec i gender fluidnosti i kako se uklapa u drustveni kontekst.
Pa ovako:

diskusija na temu "Defining Abuse in Absolute and Total Power Exchange " ... hp?t=30215

diskusija na temu:
what turns up your *squick* factor? What grosses you out? What borders are you not able to cross?
vrlo bitno iz uvodnog posta sto sam pisala gore (edit za estrogen, pogledati moj post iz S/M na golicljivim gde grdim samu sebe) :

Now, the intention of this thread is not to bash other kinks. Rather, the opposite: anyone who is adverse to a certain kink can post their *squick* factor and reasons, and hopefully someone who understands that kink better can educate the person with the *squick* factor ... hp?t=25786

Vrlo zanimljivo pitanje-Submissive Feminists??!!??

jedan post : "It's about choice and consent. My feminism informs my submission and visa-versa. Submission is empowered and erotic when it is done in the context of choice, desire, negotiation, and consent.

I understand my submission the same way I understand my femme-ness and my femininity -- as powerful and chosen." ... hp?t=21574

Diskusija o fejk Dom:The real deal and Respect.


"I have been thinking it would be good to talk about those Dommes who we instinctively sense to be the real Deal and those who say they are, but for one reason or another we are not feeling this from them.... ... hp?t=25559

Diskusija na temu "Negotiating play"-"Do you have any wtf kind of negotiation stories? What red flags re negotiation or in the negotiation stage make you discontinue talking? How do you advise the people you mentor to negotiate? " ... hp?t=30028

Diskusija na temu "What is Slavery" ... hp?t=16452
By Garbo
Originally posted by vanillapuff
Originally posted by Galateja
Originally posted by Dirrty18g
ali smesno mi je i zanimljivo kada npr. femme riba ne podnosi muskarce a trazi butch devojke koje su iste kao oni, samo nemaju onu stvar izmedju nogu.
mozda postoji razlika... odnosno sigurno da postoji razlika u razmisljanjima izmedju muskarca i devojke, pa makar ona i bila butch... ali neke mnogo vuku na muskarce... da cak razmisljaju kao oni...
Stvarno, i mene ovo živo interesuje, a ima ih još puno koji su zbunjeni tom dinamikom, samo ne smeju da pitaju. :D
Valjda je lezbejka osoba ženskog pola koja voli u erotskom i emocionalnom smislu devojke/žene. To što ženu čini ženom, mogu biti morfološke osobine (grudi, glas, hod...) i psihičke. Ako neku devojku čini devojkom samo to što ima vaginu (a pri tome su sve druge karakteristike maskuline) onda se postavlja pitanje koliko je takva žena žena, a ne muškarac ograničen neposedovanjem penisa. Onda, ponekad, može da se stavi pod pitanje da li je lezbejska veza ili ne kad su partnerke femme i butch (tu mislim na butch kao što je ona sa slike sa velikim zaliscima i sl.)

Ne bih volela da budem pogrešno shvaćena, nije mi cilj da bilo koga nipodaštavam. Samo mi je ta dinamika nekako čudna.

...Prateci tok ove diskusije poslednjih dana, nisam odolela da ne zapocnem svoj komentar na temu navedenim citatom, buduci da on predstavlja prilicno rasireno taksativno rodno-binarno uslovljeno misljenje - cak pre polno nego rodno, jer ukoliko se toliko insistira na binarnim odrednicama, posledicno dolazi do negiranja svih ostalih prelepih i prepunih mogucnosti varijanti rodnog izrazavanja. Da ne pominjem sada jos i cinjenicu da je i postojanje dva pola relativno radikalno konstruisano (za razjasnjavanje ove moje naizgled kontroverzne recenice pomaze malo queer literature!)...

Razlog zbog koga sam citirala upravo Galatejin post je taj sto Galateja uvek, koliko sam mogla primetiti do sada, svoje misljenje iznosi krajnje tokovito i trudi se da logicno i smireno argumentuje svoje stajaliste, sto ja izuzetno postujem, iako se cesto nase platforme sa kojih govorimo nalaze na potpuno opozitnim mestima. Dakle, uzimam sebi to pravo i zadovoljstvo da se nadovezem na jedno od mnogih misljenja izrecenih na ovu temu, a koje je citirano na pocetku posta.

Kaze Galateja (i ostali koji se slazu, ja se unapred izvinjavam Galateji sto sam je ovde uzela za primer jasnog zastupanja misljenja, objasnila sam ranije zasto je to tako):

"Valjda je lezbejka osoba ženskog pola koja voli u erotskom i emocionalnom smislu devojke/žene."

To bi en general bilo tacno. Ja bih mozda vise insistirala na "zenskog RODA", jer rod je toliko, toliko razlicit pojam od pola, a nekako mi se cini da veliki broj ljudi koji pise postove ovde nije dovoljno svestan ove razlike, te se u svojstvu znacenja "rod" vrlo cesto pojavljuje rec "pol" koja tako unosi zbrku i potkrepljuje heteronormativne dokse.
Izmenom reci "pola" u "roda" u prethodno citiranoj recenici otvorila bi se mogucnost da zapravo lezbejka jeste osoba (dakle, cak i bilo kojeg pola - sada duboko zalazim u queer, ali zasto da ne) koja rodno uzima BILO KOJI identitet koji, po njenom sopstvenom misljenju, nju izrazava i pokazuje kao zenu (a pri tome je naravno erotski i emotivno privlace takodje osobe sa rodno zenskim identitetom. O sklapanju unije pol+rod ne bih ovom prilikom, to je tek tema za sarenu raspravu :) ).
Pojednostavljeno, lezbejka je svaka osoba koja se u rodno-polni sistem zena + zena hoce, zeli i moze uklopiti. Lezbejka je svaka osoba koja se tako oseca (molim da se ova recenica ne shvati banalno; kratka argumentacija za nju stoji u odeljku iznad. Takodje molim ne citirati van konteksta. Hvala.)

Dalje: "To što ženu čini ženom, mogu biti morfološke osobine (grudi, glas, hod...) i psihičke"

Sve ovo navedeno (cak i grudi i glas bi se dali diskutovati - o ,da!) potpada u kategoriju ROD, iz cega sledi da su navedene kategorije prevashodno drustveno konstruisane (narocito onaj deo "psihicke", a i glas, nacin govora, naravno - da ne ulazim u moc jezika!), sto nas dalje vodi u zakljucak da nikako nisu imanentne zenskom polu ili cak zenskom bicu (ako tako nesto kao jedinstvo uopste i postoji!!), i time dolazim na poentu price kojom pokusavam da pokazem da butch zene nisu ni malo manje "zene" od femme zena, jer je sam pojam "zene" drustvena konstrukcija (pri cemu aktuelni legitimni drustveni model zene koja mora imati karakteristike "femme" da bi bila shvacena i prepoznata kao "zena" predstavlja vrlo opaku drustvenu konstrukciju, ali to je vec moje licno misljenje, kao i uostalom sve izreceno ovde).

Da sumiram, nema vidljive karakteristike koja bi imanentno pripadala pojmu "zena". Dakle, igrajmo se, kombinujmo, istrazujmo!! :D

"Ako neku devojku čini devojkom samo to što ima vaginu (a pri tome su sve druge karakteristike maskuline) onda se postavlja pitanje koliko je takva žena žena, a ne muškarac ograničen neposedovanjem penisa."

Sta je "zena"? Sta je "maskulino"? Sta je "muskarac"? Da li je ovde penis misljen kao penis ili kao falus? Toliko, toliko binarno uslovljenih prisilno naucenih, a sto je najgore, prevashodno konstruisanih modela koji se shvataju kao "zdravorazumski".... :(

"Onda, ponekad, može da se stavi pod pitanje da li je lezbejska veza ili ne kad su partnerke femme i butch"...

I dragi moji, evo odgovora na to zasto mi 50% ljudi kojima sam se outovala nije verovalo da sam zaista lezbejka!!!! :roflmao:

Salim se, naravno....

Ozbiljan odgovor: jeste lezbejska veza kada su partnerke femme i butch!!!
:zastava: :love: :love:

Za sve ostalo sto bih htela reci, o tome devokICA vec pise u svojim divnim, divnim i EDUKATIVNIM postovima - citajte i uzivajte, od srca preporucujem...... :D :shake: :kiss:
Lezbejska veza je kada su partnerke femme i butch!!!
Ma dajte sta ce da rade dve femmice u krevetu....jedino da se sminkaju mozda:kakodane:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Korisnikov avatar
By KosmickaCestica
Evo neke terminologije...

(As always, our language has it's mileage may vary!)

Old-school, or classic butch-femme--- Refers historically to the well-documented Butch-Femme community that organized in the 50's. Can also refer to modern day Butches and Femmes who appreciate an/or emulate many of the values from an era when the roles in our community were more clearly defined.

Power Femme--- Femme who revels in the power, strength, and mystique of her femininity.

Femme top, Femme bottom, Butch top, or Butch bottom--- Didja think all S/M Femmes were bottoms? A Butch bottom might express masculinity and strength through endurance, while a Femme top might express her power through femininity.

Stud And Lady--- Old school term for Butch-Femme. Usage is still prevalent in Black lesbian culture.

High Femme--- Exhibits hyper-femininity which may manifest itself outwardly in appearance, and inwardly as a a celebration of femininity.

Packing---Butch wearing a "cock" under clothing. This could be a silicone or rubber model readily used for fucking, or a realistically flaccid prothesis which can either be purchased or home-made.

Daddy, grrl, or daddy/grrl--- Dynamic in some butch-femme relationships where the Butch takes over the parental or care-taking role, either 24-7, or as occasional age play. Sexually, Daddy/Grrl can be played out in a incestous or S/M fashion where Daddy is irresponsibly "wicked", or Daddy might be emotionally responsible for nurturing and loving the grrl. This particular dynamic can allow
Femmes to freely explore being bratty, playful, independent, innocent, or submissive, etc... and perhaps in some instances, both partners can confront issues surrounding abuse.

Mommy/Boy--- Rarely discussed dynamic which exists in some Butch-Femme relationships where the Femme takes on the parental role, either 24-7, or as occasional age play. The Mommy may be loving, or in an S/M context, very demanding. This dynamic an allow the Butch to be adored or punished, be child-like, innocent, boyishly devilish, or rebellious, ect.

Stone Femme--- Can define a Femme who is sexually untouchable, a Femme who is "very" femme, a Femme top, or a Femme who is partnered with or attracted to very masculine/stone Butches. "Stone Femme" iis spelled with two words. Online usage often runs the words together because early majordomo-based mailing lists required one word titles.

Stone Butch--- Usually means a hard Butch who prefers not to be touched by a partner sexually at all, or in any way that is feminizing. Stone can also mean "very", as in "very butch" and proud of it. "Stone Butch" is spelled with two words.

Kiki---A somewhat outdated term for a Butch/Femme switch.

Polyamorous--- Having pre-negotiated relationships with multiple partners. The opposite of monogamy.

FTM, F2M, or TS--- Female to Male transexual. The transition usually involves taking male hormones, sometimes includes top surgery, but doesn't always indicate bottom surgery. Many feel bottom surgery for F2Ms at this time is not a completely successful resolution. Some Butches may take testosterone and have top surgery, yet don't consider themselves transexual, or even male-identified.

TG---Transgendered. Many believe that Butches transgress the gender of "woman" or blur traditional gender to such a degree that they are transgendered. Others believe Butch is clearly a gender of it's own.

Hir, hym, s/he--- Various masculine pronouns for Butches. Sometimes Butches online will also call one another "bro" or use traditional male pronouns, much in the same way that queens call one another "she". Such bending of our limited language isn't always politically motivated, but often the practice is simply employed as a tidy way of differentiating between the Butches and Femmes online.

Het queer--- Controversial phrase used to describe how the power dynamics and polarity of B-F sexuality are closer to heterosexuality than homosexuality.

Fag Butch--- Butch into other butches or FTMs; not usually meant as a derogatory term, although some old-school butches may express discomfort with Butch-on-Butch sexuality.

Lipstick lesbian---Media term used to describe feminine lesbians, not normally used to indicate Femmes.

Fem---Variation of Femme.

Andro dyke--- Mainstrream lesbian style that is deliberately void of either masculinity or femininity, or an androgenous combination of both gender expressions, each crossing the other out. Androgeny can find roots in politics, having originated from feminist beliefs of the 70's.

Inner faggot--- Humorous way to explain a dandy Butch who is fastiduous about style, or a Butch who (although masculine) exhibits other traits common to gay boy, such as a love of theatre or a flair for design.

Baby Butch or baby Femme--- Newly-out Butch or Femme, not always related to age.

Binary gender system--- Concept that there are two genders: man and woman. Many believe that Butch and Femme disprove the concept of a binary gender system. Some Butches and Femmes claim rights to a third gender.

Saturday night Butch--- Expression used to describe lesbians who only "butch-out" at the bar on weekends.

Biology vs. Destiny--- Very topical issue in Butch-femme discussion groups. It's important to distinguish between sex (male/female), gender identity (butch/femme/man/woman/queen, etc), and gender expression (masculine/feminine). Since these three things aren't dependent and each other, the safest way to navigate is to assume nothing!

Takodje i mali test.. B vs F ... BF100.html
Korisnikov avatar
By Dina
Your score placed you in the category of Soft Androgyne. This is the "steel magnolia" type. You may also wish to review Strong Femme and Androgyne, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 41 and 47 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your group is a large part of the 35-45 age group for the most part and has a wide mix of genders and orientations.


For most of your life and social interaction, you don't really see yourself as either butch or femme, but if pressed into a corner, you react more femme than butch. You prefer to seek aid rather than solve your problems on your own, and prefer to give aid rather than to encourage someone to stand on their own feet. You're fairly well balanced over all, with the occasional weakness you haven't quite yet conquered.

Education is important to you, as you see knowledge as a key to independence and freedom, and you tend to have a higher educational level than your peers, either formally or by self-teaching. You read a lot, and a varied assortment of genres, enjoying cartoons as much as heavy psych drama. Biography, however, bores you. You like historical anecdotes but are not very good at memorizing dates, having a more general sense of time.

Your home is a roof for you and not a showplace. Order is optional. You cook if you have to and are efficient at it but really don't like to bother. You prefer to be fed. You like small dogs or big cats and the occasional hamster.

You enjoy a fairly strong butch for a partner, along the lines of a Feminist or Classic Butch, and take on other Androgynes as friends. Family is not terribly important to you, and odds are good you came from a home where that was not the primary issue. You may have a good, but distant relation with your family, or may not be in touch at all, but it's pretty certain you don't live with them unless you have to, or in the same city.
Korisnikov avatar
By hlaefdige
Your score placed you in the category of Hard Androgyne. This is the "tom boy" type of ranking. You may also wish to review Androgyne and Gentle Butch, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 53 and 60 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your group encompasses folks of all types, genders, and orientations; it includes a large number of males and averages around 41 years of age.


Most of the time you really don't think of yourself as butch or femme, but if pressured, you tend to react aggressively - either to solve a problem or to defend yourself. You aren't extremely masculine, yet are more drawn to your masculine side than your feminine side.

Security is paramount to you, and the locks on your house and tendency to monogamy reflect that. You like money in the savings and a retirement plan in place. You are nervous and insecure without that. You are a good provider, often appearing in upper management positions, and are an excellent supervisor.

Logic and mathematics fascinate you, and you have a very good memory. You are best remembering what you have seen in a video sense - sound and picture. About half of what you read sticks with you and what you hear goes in one ear and out the other. Pictures you remember very well.

You like action adventure movies and books, though you don't read a lot. You are heavily into technology, computers, and fun lil gadgets to play with.

As a parent you are strict but not overbearing, and tend to be a bit over protective. You are a staunch defender of your legal rights.

For partners you prefer a softer femme, along the lines of the Classic or Lipstick Femme. For friends you encompass everyone, though you find Extreme Butches a bit plastic and pure Androgynes indecisive.

 i nisam se pronasla
Korisnikov avatar
By KosmickaCestica

Your score placed you in the category of Androgyne. This is the true middle of the road, neither butch nor femme. You may also wish to review Soft Androgyne and Hard Androgyne, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 48 and 52 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your group encompasses folks of all types, genders, and orientations, though is not as large a part of the population as the hard and soft androgynes surrounding you.

You are the best of both worlds, and have absolutely no feeling of being either femme or butch. You see yourself as "you" and that's all that matters. You dislike labels, surprised yourself by even taking this test, and are now laughing as you identify with this definition!

You switch roles fluidly without thinking from nurturing/subordinate to providing/leading as the situation demands. You are often a jack or jill of all trades and master of a few, but not all.

In clothing you go for the practical, not always bothering with the concept of neatness if that interferes with comfort or the time it takes to get dressed. Wrinkles don't drive you crazy, though you do prefer to keep reasonably up to date in your style, without going to any extreme in it.

You are shy in many ways, being intimidated by overt aggression as well as complete silence in a conversation. You tend to babble to fill silent space and clam up when confronted.

Odds are good astrologically that you are a Libra, Pisces, Gemini, or Aquarius.

You're willing to try anything once as long as it does not pose a risk to you. You're also good at doing just about any job, as long as you find a way to get trained for it. Physically, you're average in fitness, not being overly concerned about being either "curvy" or "chisled". If you are female and have some endowments, you wear a bra in public but not at home.

For partners you are comfortable with all types, for you are a peacemaker and changeling at heart, changing yourself to fit the situation and avoid hostility. You aren't a doormat, though, and do express your opionions.
Korisnikov avatar
By Andre87
Bio sam dokon :D

Your score placed you in the category of Androgyne. This is the true middle of the road, neither butch nor femme. You may also wish to review Soft Androgyne and Hard Androgyne, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 48 and 52 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your group encompasses folks of all types, genders, and orientations, though is not as large a part of the population as the hard and soft androgynes surrounding you.


You are the best of both worlds, and have absolutely no feeling of being either femme or butch. You see yourself as "you" and that's all that matters. You dislike labels, surprised yourself by even taking this test, and are now laughing as you identify with this definition! (sooooooooo true :lol: )

You switch roles fluidly without thinking from nurturing/subordinate to providing/leading as the situation demands. You are often a jack or jill of all trades and master of a few, but not all. :dance:

In clothing you go for the practical ( :) yes), not always bothering with the concept of neatness if that interferes with comfort or the time it takes to get dressed. Wrinkles don't drive you crazy, though you do prefer to keep reasonably up to date in your style, without going to any extreme in it.

You are shy in many ways :blush: , being intimidated by overt aggression (true :yes: ) as well as complete silence in a conversation. You tend to babble to fill silent space :lol: (tacno) and clam up when confronted (pa volim da se raspravljam :) )

Odds are good astrologically that you are a Libra, Pisces, Gemini, or Aquarius. (bik..)

You're willing to try anything once as long as it does not pose a risk to you. (da :) )You're also good at doing just about any job, as long as you find a way to get trained for it. Physically, you're average in fitness, not being overly concerned about being either "curvy" or "chisled". If you are female and have some endowments, you wear a bra in public but not at home. (ovaj deo izbacujem, jasno zbog cega)

For partners you are comfortable with all types, for you are a peacemaker and changeling at heart, changing yourself to fit the situation and avoid hostility. You aren't a doormat, though, and do express your opionions. (naravno,uvek branim svoj stav,ali ga i istine dolazimo zajedno)
Korisnikov avatar
By Momo

Your score placed you in the category of Gentle Butch, often called a Femme Butch. You may also wish to review Hard Androgyne and Feminist Butch, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 61 and 67 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your group is a large portion of the lesbian population, and includes a fair number of feminist males.

You identify with being Butch and are proud of it, yet do not require yourself or your spouse to comply with gender roles in actions and relationships. You like to open doors for ladies but don't press the issue, and aren't offended if they prefer to open them themselves. In fact, you are at times tickled to have a door opened for you.

You work hard most likely in a job requiring manual labor of some kind or an emergency rescue or health care position. You handle human trauma well and have a strong stomach for it, but have a soft side if it involves children or the frail elderly.

You are physically fit and strong, even if disabled in some way you have compensated that loss in other strengths. You prefer a crisp, neat style bordering on preppy.

Your house is generally neat though at times you let it really slide, you're good at cleaning it up for the in-laws should they visit. Housework is not your forte, but you don't object to helping out with that.

For partners you prefer the more androgynous femmes as in the Strong Femme and Soft Androgyne, and for your buds you like other butches.
Korisnikov avatar
By vanillapuff

Your score placed you in the category of Soft Androgyne. This is the "steel magnolia" type. You may also wish to review Strong Femme and Androgyne, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 41 and 47 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your group is a large part of the 35-45 age group for the most part and has a wide mix of genders and orientations.

For most of your life and social interaction, you don't really see yourself as either butch or femme, but if pressed into a corner, you react more femme than butch. You prefer to seek aid rather than solve your problems on your own, and prefer to give aid rather than to encourage someone to stand on their own feet. You're fairly well balanced over all, with the occasional weakness you haven't quite yet conquered.

Education is important to you, as you see knowledge as a key to independence and freedom, and you tend to have a higher educational level than your peers, either formally or by self-teaching. You read a lot, and a varied assortment of genres, enjoying cartoons as much as heavy psych drama. Biography, however, bores you. You like historical anecdotes but are not very good at memorizing dates, having a more general sense of time.

Your home is a roof for you and not a showplace. Order is optional. You cook if you have to and are efficient at it but really don't like to bother. You prefer to be fed. You like small dogs or big cats and the occasional hamster.

You enjoy a fairly strong butch for a partner, along the lines of a Feminist or Classic Butch, and take on other Androgynes as friends. Family is not terribly important to you, and odds are good you came from a home where that was not the primary issue. You may have a good, but distant relation with your family, or may not be in touch at all, but it's pretty certain you don't live with them unless you have to, or in the same city.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.

Your score placed you in the category of Strong Femme. This is often called a "femme butch" type. You may also wish to review Practical Femme and Soft Androgyne, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 33 and 40 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your type is the majority of the femme and the female population and includes a fair number of males.

You identify as female rather than femme, or as a male with an open mind to female issues. Your raising and socialization, however, has implanted enough of traditional femme roles and obligations, though, that you don't quite make it to the bridge category of Androgyne which lies between femme and butch.

You are practical in child raising but have no qualms about calling a baby sitter when you've had enough for the day. You are a good co-provider in a balanced partnership but resent carrying the full financial weight. You expect your partner to help you with your home and while you prefer order to chaos, won't do their share for them.

You are independent and proudly female, and don't really mind living alone, though you'd prefer not to. You sleep with a small light on, and usually in the nude. You insist on good communication in your relationships.

You are most comfortable with Androgynes and Gentle or Feminist Butches as partners, rarely dating other femmes, though admittedly physically you find them attractive. The butch "mystique" or the balance in an Androgyne attracts you more. You get along well with most types, though Extreme Femmes you find a bit overdone and aren't entirely comfortable with Extreme Butches.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Stone Femme--- Can define a Femme who is sexually untouchable, a Femme who is "very" femme, a Femme top, or a Femme who is partnered with or attracted to very masculine/stone Butches. "Stone Femme" iis spelled with two words. Online usage often runs the words together because early majordomo-based mailing lists required one word titles.

-uglavnom se ipak koristi kada se radi o femme koja ne dodiruje partnera na seksualni nacin-samo "prima" dok stone butch samo "daje" -ovo naravno skroz banalizujem, bat iz a dzist ov it :namig2:
Korisnikov avatar
ja sam sve to, zavisno od raspolozenja i osobe sa kojom sam :D
Korisnikov avatar
By Galateja
Nanny, gde je komentar?! :misli:
Mislila sam da će te snimak 'spržiti'. :carica:
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long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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