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Buch ili fem?

Korisnikov avatar
By m..
Sunny es la ultima marimacha de forum :) Sunny, biceps grando, Sunny mi amor.
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Nedostaje mi stari posao samo zato sto sam na putu ka istom u kosovskoj ulici stalno sretala jednu PRESLATKU butchicu koja sheta dobermana, koje organski ne podnosim, tako da je to bio svojevrstan manevar proci sto blize njoj a sto dalje od VELIKOG kera:vruce:
Ne znam da li je BAS butch, ali koliko god da je, u mojim ocima je pored tog kera dobijala na butchiZmu debelo:giggle:
ps. ovaj....ako se hm, prepozna....kah..kah...u2u i takoc..
:smilegrin: :kissing:
By Çâðê_DUP
ja sam ponovo u kontaktu sa mojom p'eslatkom femicom iz KG-a. osecam da je spremna da me poseti, da pijemo chaj. :freddy:
Korisnikov avatar
By Val
Originally posted by devokICA
Nedostaje mi stari posao samo zato sto sam na putu ka istom u kosovskoj ulici stalno sretala jednu PRESLATKU butchicu koja sheta dobermana, koje organski ne podnosim, tako da je to bio svojevrstan manevar proci sto blize njoj a sto dalje od VELIKOG kera:vruce:
I svaki put trcish kad vidish dobermana? :smeh: Dodirni mi kolena, to bih bash...:peva:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
Originally posted by Val
Originally posted by devokICA
Nedostaje mi stari posao samo zato sto sam na putu ka istom u kosovskoj ulici stalno sretala jednu PRESLATKU butchicu koja sheta dobermana, koje organski ne podnosim, tako da je to bio svojevrstan manevar proci sto blize njoj a sto dalje od VELIKOG kera:vruce:
I svaki put trcish kad vidish dobermana? :smeh: Dodirni mi kolena, to bih bash... :peva:
:smeh: :smeh: :smeh: :smeh: :smeh: :angel:
Korisnikov avatar
By coka
Originally posted by Acorn Girl
Ja sam svima razglasila da volim butch misleci pritom na one slatke muskobanjaste devojcice koje izgledaju kao suptilni decaci (kakva je uostalom i moja devojka). Onda su me svi napljuvali i rekli da se takav tip devojke ne zove butch; da je butch debela zapustena tetka. Ok. Ne zove se butch.
zove se djux i jojim je najvise na svetu :love: :love:
Korisnikov avatar
By Hys.
If the dominant ideology constructs heterosexuality as the "original, " true, natural expression of human sexuality, then lesbianism can only be seen as a kind of "mimicking" of the norm, an attempt at pretending to be heterosexual. This is often the critique of consciously role-playing lesbians in particular, such as those who adopt butch-femme identities, who are accused of an imitation which is at best inferior and inadequate. But Butler argues that such a critique is grounded on the faulty assumption that there is an "original" to be imitated, when in fact all gender roles are an imitation for which there is no original. Heterosexuality has a vested interest, however, in disguising this fact by promoting itself as originary and constructing the illusion that there is such a thing as an essential sexual or gendered identity. But gay identities work in opposition to this illusion, not by emulating heterosexuality but by exposing it as "an incessant and panicked imitation of its own naturalized idealization

ukoliko nekog zanima, ceo clanak se nalazi ovde:
By vticky
Nesto izmedju :P
al', stvarno...
Korisnikov avatar
By IriS
offtopic koleginice, femice i ostali nalazi se ovde

kiss addict, moderator
long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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