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Korisnikov avatar
By Tungi
Skorasnje :love:

What are you doing the rest of your life?
North and South and East and West of your life
I have only one request of your life
That you spend it all with me
All the seasons and the times of your days
All the nickels and the dimes of your days
Let the reasons and the rhymes of your days
All begin and end with me

I want to see your face in every kind of light
In fields of dawn and forests of the night
And when you stand before the candles on a cake
Oh, let me be the one to hear the silent wish you make

Those tomorrows waiting deep in your eyes
In the world of love you keep in your eyes
I'll awaken what's asleep in your eyes
It may take a kiss or two

Through all of my life
Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall of my life
All I ever will recall of my life
Is all of my life with you
Korisnikov avatar
By Mars
Originally posted by Tungi

Skorasnje :love:

What are you doing the rest of your life?
North and South and East and West of your life
I have only one request of your life
That you spend it all with me
Kako je...totalno drugačije...kad ne uradiš sve sam...pronađeš, čitaš...Nego neko to isto uradi za tebe...

:love: :kiss:

Sinatru smo čuli...ja najviše volim ovu verziju. Zboh saksofona i nje, naravno...


By LeDeNa_
Ah Tungi napokon promenio avatar :up:


By LeDeNa_

It's a rainy afternoon in 1990.
The big city... Geez it's been 20 years!
Candy, you were so fine.

Beautiful, beautiful girl from the north,
you burnt my heart with a flickering torch,
I had a dream that no one else could see...
You gave me love for free...

Candy, Candy, Candy I can't let you go,
all my life you're haunting me, I loved you so.
Candy, Candy, Candy I can't let you go...

Life is crazy, Candy baby...

Yeah, well it hurt me real bad when you left.
I'm glad you got out, but... But I miss you.

I've had a hole in my heart for so long,
I've learned to fake it and just smile along,
down on the street those men are all the same...
I need love not games, not games.

Candy, Candy, Candy I can't let you go,
all my life you're haunting me, I loved you so.
Candy, Candy, Candy I can't let you go...

Life is crazy, I know baby, Candy baby...

Candy, Candy, Candy I can't let you go,
all my life you're haunting me, I loved you so.
Life is crazy, Candy baby, Candy baby...
By LeDeNa_
sta reci znaju o vodi
Koja izgubi sve sto nadje
Koju volim da dokazujem
Koju zelim da ucinim stvarnom
A da je ne zaustavim...
A da je ne povredim...

B. Miljkovic
Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid

"Open your eyes and look within
Are you satisfied with the life you're living?"
/Bob Marley/
By LeDeNa_
Farewell transsmision


The whole place is dark
Every light on this side of the town
Suddenly it all went down
Now we'll all be brothers of the fossil fire of the sun
Now we will all be sisters of the fossil blood of the moon
Someone must have set us up
Now they'll be working in the cold grey rock,
in the hot mill steam... in the concrete
In the sirens and the silences now
all the great set up hearts
all at once start to beat
After tonight if you don't want us to be
a secret out of the past
I will resurrect it, I'll have a good go at it
I'll streak his blood across my beak and dust my feathers with his ashes
I can feel his ghost breathing down my back
I will try and know whatever I try,
I will be gone but not forever
The real truth about it is
no one gets it right
The real truth about it is
we're all supposed to try
There ain't no end to the sands
I've been trying to cross
The real truth about it is my kind of life's no better off
If I've got the maps or if I'm lost
The real truth about it is there ain't no end to the desert I'll cross
I've really known that all along
Mama here comes midnight
with the dead moon in its jaws
Must be the big star about to fall
Long dark blues
Will o the wisp
The big star is falling
Through the static and distance
A farewell transmission
By LeDeNa_
»Testament? Pa u redu, moramo napisati testament: ako me zadesi zlo i ne umrem na moru, što sam večito želeo, ako ne budem spušten sa palube niz dasku u naježeni mir okeana, nego umrem na kopnu, što je ogromno poniženje, neka mi ne drže govore i na meni se mrtvom vežbaju raštimovanom besedništvu.

Neka me do groba isprate Cigani tamburaši, i niko osim njih. Neka mi sviraju onu... znaju to oni koja je.

I kad sam sam, nisam sam, jer imam sebe uz sebe. Zato prezirem one koji to ne shvataju celog svog života, pa kad sa sobom u društvu na kraju vide smrt, oni urlaju od samoće.«

ps.P.S. Miki se želja ispunila. Sahranjen je uz "Đelem, đelem".
By Kala
"May no fate willfully misunderstand me
And half grant what I wish and snatch me away
Not to return. Earth's the right place for love:
I don't know where it's likely to go better.
I'd like to go by climbing a birch tree,
And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk
Toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more,
But dipped its top and set me down again.
That would be good both going and coming back.
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches."

By LeDeNa_

Volim te za sve žene koje nisam upoznao
Volim te za sva vremena u kojima nisam živeo
Zbog mirisa velike pučine i mirisa toplog hleba
Zbog snega što se topi i prvih cvetova
Zbog čednih životinja kojih se čovek ne plaši
Volim te zbog voljenja
Volim te zbog svih žena koje ne volim
Jedino u tebi ja se dobro vidim
Bez tebe ne vidim ništa nego široku pustoš
Između nekad i danas
Postojale su sve te smrti što sam ih
ostavio za plotom
Nisam mogao probiti zid svog ogledala
Morao sam učiti život slovo po slovo
Kako se zaboravlja
Volim te zbog tvoje mudrosti koja nije moja
Zbog zdravlja
Volim te uprkos svim obmanama
Zbog tog besmrtnog srca što ga ne zadržavam
Ti misliš da si sumnja a nisi nego razum
Ti si veliko sunce što mi na glavu seda
Kad sam siguran u sebe samog

Pol Elijar
By LeDeNa_
Ne osećati mučiteljsku potrebu da se lično sazna i vidi šta je tamo, iza tajanstvenog plavog zida horizonta, ne smatrati uređivanje života monotonim i depresivnim,
gledati beli put koji vodi u nepoznatu daljinu bez osećanja zapovedničke nužnosti da mu se prepusti i da se krene njime i poslušno sledi preko planina i dolina!
Kukavičko uverenje da čovek mora ostati na jednom mestu previše podseća na neupitanu pomirenost životinja, tegleće marve otupljene ropstvom, a ipak
uvek voljne da prihvati uprezanje.
Postoje granice svakog područja, i zakoni koji uređuju svaku organizovanu snagu. Ali, skitnica poseduje čitavu ogromnu zemlju koja se završava samo u nepostojećem
horizontu, a njegovo kraljevstvo je neopipljivo, jer su vladavina nad njim i uživanje u njemu stvari duha.

Izabela Eberhart
By LeDeNa_
Originally posted by Kala

:) :) :)

How can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where I’ve become so numb
without a soul
my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home

Wake me up inside
Wake me up inside
call my name and save me from the dark
bid my blood to run
before I come undone
save me from the nothing I’ve become

now that I know what I’m without
you can´t just leave me
breathe into me and make me real
bring me to life

Wake me up inside
Wake me up inside
call my name and save me from the dark
bid my blood to run
before I come undone
save me from the nothing I’ve become

Bring me to life

frozen inside without your touch
without your love darling
only you are the life among the dead

bid my blood to run
before I come undone
save me from the nothing I’ve become


Korisnikov avatar
By mOwbid

“If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?”

By LeDeNa_

Počeo sam da mrzim reči.
Bežim u ćutnju. Krijem se od zvuka.
Uskoro ću sa nemima da se družim.
Reč opet da postane ruka.

Jer usne se samo pokrenu. Noge idu.
I ruke mašu odvojeno, leno.
A treba reći: smrt, ili: rodjenje sina.
Uzbudjenja drhtaj ramena nije pokreno.

Radjati rec svaku kao porodilja.
S krikom i da usna zakrvavi.
Od stida zbog reči odlazim na pojila
gde govor bika savija kičmu kravi.

Prilazim ženi. Telom zove: hodi!
Da reče glasom, ne bih se osvrno.
Upalio sam prste.
Jezik svoj utrno.

Branko V. Radičević
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