Bootstrap Framework 3.3.6

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Korisnikov avatar
By Azdaja
Originally posted by constantine
Originally posted by Azdaja

na polovini kad se zagrle...potop....

mi sve TO sto imamo zaista ne znamo ceniti, ma ne cenimo...jer je NORMALNO....

kad vidis ovako nesto..... ah
ja sam se na samom pocetku najezio kad kao trazi ruku

za mene ce oni biti uvek heroji... mislila sam na 2:57 i posle toga nastavak...

ne znam, za mene su heroji - zauvek
Korisnikov avatar
By Blady
Ovo mi svakako danas dodirnulo dusu

Korisnikov avatar
By Azdaja
Originally posted by constantine
Originally posted by Azdaja
Originally posted by constantine
Originally posted by Azdaja

na polovini kad se zagrle...potop....

mi sve TO sto imamo zaista ne znamo ceniti, ma ne cenimo...jer je NORMALNO....

kad vidis ovako nesto..... ah
ja sam se na samom pocetku najezio kad kao trazi ruku

za mene ce oni biti uvek heroji... mislila sam na 2:57 i posle toga nastavak...

ne znam, za mene su heroji - zauvek

odgledala bi ih jos jednom, a nisam sigurna da necu
Korisnikov avatar
By Mariška
Originally posted by zelenabombonica

Zao mi je bivse domovine. Kasnije su dosle godine provedene u ratu, izbeglistvu i beznadju.

Ne zivi se danas lose u poredjenju sa devedesetim, pa ni osamdesetim, ali neki zal i osecaj praznine postoji.
Originally posted by zelenabombonica
Originally posted by Popeye

ono sto je meni super kod sheytana i bombonice jest da se ekšli susretnu s pravim neoustašama (koji u hrvatskoj nedvojbeno ima) što bi se sto posto jako brzo skužili, složili i izljubili.

Ovo je jako ruzna provokacija. Neki moji preci su nastradali u Drugom svetskom ratu, a neki su bezali u sume sklanjajuci se od ustaskih koljaca. Zasto bih se ja ljubila i slagala sa ustasama? Zasto bih prihvatala ruzne postupke Mariske kao nesto normalno i OK. Sva moja rodbina je u izbeglistvu. Zato reagujem kad neko nipodastava srpske zrtve i laze. Nikoga ne vredjam na nacionalnoj osnovi. Da li se osecas superiorno kad se ovako verbalno izivljavas i bez ikakvog razloga vredjas?

By LeDeNa_

Glas jeka

Potonut ću sa ovim brodom
tako mi se čini pravo hrabro, poput kapetana
jedno zbogom je pred nama

Ti se pusti nek te vodi kišno jutro
a ja ostajem do kraja na palubi
već valovi plešu, plavo se daruje vjetru

Tvojim imenom šijem jedra,
pletem niti oko svijeta
al' jedino što izmolim
je glas mojih jeka

Sve loše, sve ono što ne valja
plima skrije kada dođemo do kraja
samo par dragulja zasvijetli na dlanu

Ti se pusti nek te vodi kišno jutro
dok more topi bačene riječi
tone svo moje blago
na dno života jednog oceana

Tvojim imenom šijem jedra,
pletem niti oko svijeta
al' jedino što izmolim
je glas mojih jeka

Ex Mozartine feat. Damir Urban
Korisnikov avatar
By ZlatnaPtica
Bilo mi dosadno te zgrabih neku nasumicnu knjizurinu sa majcine police (Zak Prever 'Za tebe ljubavi moja'; i to stampana 1983). Uopste mi se ne svidese pesme, dosadne su, besmislene.... doduse, jedna mi je zapala za oko:

Vrata koja je neko otvorio
Vrata koja je neko zatvorio
Stolica u koju je neko seo
Mačka koju je neko milovao
Voće u koje je neko zagrizao
Pismo koje je neko pročitao
Stolica koju je neko oborio
Put kojim neko trči još
Šuma kroz koju neko prolazi
Reka u koju neko skače
Bolnica u kojoj je neko umro.
Pesma je bas onako je probudila u meni neko osecanje... napustenosti.... samoce... Sta znam, u glavi prosto zamislih citav kratki film i odlutah u mislima. Nista posebno, ali mi zapade za oko. :mini:
Korisnikov avatar
By d_kiš
"Stations are all alike; it doesn't matter if the lights cannot illuminate beyond their blurred halo, all of this is a setting you know by heart, with the odor of train that lingers even after all the trains have left, the special odor of stations after the last train has left. The lights of the station and the sentences you are reading seem to have the job of dissolving more than of indicating the things that surface from a veil of darkness and fog. I have landed in this station tonight for the first time in my life, entering and leaving this bar, moving from the odor of the platform to the odor of wet sawdust in the toilets, all mixed in a single odor which is that of waiting, the odor of telephone booths when all you can do is reclaim your tokens because the number called has shown no signs of life.

I am the man who comes and goes between the bar and the telephone booth. Or, rather: that man is called "I" and you know nothing else about him, just as this station is called only "station" and beyond it there exists nothing except the unanswered signal of a telephone ringing in a dark room of a distant city. I hang up the receiver, I await the rattling flush, down through the metallic throat, I push the glass door again, head toward the cups piled up to dry in a cloud of steam....

....You, reader, believed that there, on the platform, my gaze was glued to the hands of the round clock of an old station, hands pierced like halberds, in the vain attempt to turn them back, to move backward over the cemetery of spent hours, lying lifeless in their circular pantheon. But who can say that the clock's numbers aren't peeping from rectangular windows, where I see every minute fall on me with a click like the blade of a guillotine? However, the result would not change much: even advancing in a polished, sliding world, my hand contracted on the light rudder of the wheeled suitcase would still express an inner refusal, as if that carefree luggage represented for me an unwelcome and exhausting burden."
Korisnikov avatar
By Sanja Steppenwolfin
Originally posted by ZlatnaPtica

Vrata koja je neko otvorio
Vrata koja je neko zatvorio
Stolica u koju je neko seo
Mačka koju je neko milovao
Voće u koje je neko zagrizao
Pismo koje je neko pročitao
Stolica koju je neko oborio
Put kojim neko trči još
Šuma kroz koju neko prolazi
Reka u koju neko skače
Bolnica u kojoj je neko umro.
Korisnikov avatar
By Pauceti
Evo tekst za tu drugu:

This up to 1000 years old snow has metamorphosed into highly pressurized glacier ice that contains almost no air bubbles. Thus it absorbs the visible light despite the scattered shortest blue fraction, giving it its distinct deep blue waved appearance. This cavity in the glacier ice formed as a result of a glacial mill, or moulin.

Rain and meltwater on the glacier surface is channelled into streams that enter the glacier at crevices. The waterfall melts a hole into the glacier while the ponded water drains towards lower elevations by forming long ice caves with an outlet at the terminus of the glacier. The fine grained sediments in the water along with wind blown sediments cause the frozen meltwater stream to appear in a muddy colour while the top of the cave exhibits the deep blue colour.

Due to the fast movement of the glacier of about 1 m per day over uneven terrain this ice cave cracked up at its end into a deep vertical crevice, called cerrac. This causes the indirect daylight to enter the ice cave from both ends resulting in homogeneous lighting of the ice tunnel.
By LeDeNa_
Tnx :mazi:

Prelepa slika.

Nastavi kad god imas vremena :)
Korisnikov avatar
By Markiza
Dosta rečitoga smilja dosta slatkih trica
Ništa neću da čujem ništa da znam
Dosta dosta svega
Reći ću poslednje dosta
Napuniću usta zemljom
Stisnucu zube
Da presečem ispilobanjo
Da presečem jednom za svagda
Staću onakav kakav sam
Bez korena bez grane bez krune
by V.Popa-Krpice od cistog sna
Cela pesma me tera da se jezzzim....
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