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Bell, Weinberg i Kiefer Hammersmith:

Seksualne preferencije - njihov razvoj kod muškaraca i žena

Allan P. Bell, Martin S. Weinberg and Sue Kiefer Hammersmith, Sexual Preference: Its Development in Men and Women, Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1981. pp.242. Supplementary 321-page volume, Statistical Appendix, published separately in 1981. Includes bibliography.

Ova studija predstavlja kulminaciju jednog niza knjiga, koji uključuje i Homosexuality: An Annotated Bibliography i Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women. Cilj ''Seksualnih preferencija'' je mapiranje razvoja seksualne orijentacije kod muškaraca i žena, dok statistički dovodi u pitanje opšteprihvaćene teorije koje se tiču ''uzroka'' homoseksualnosti. Istraživači su, putem razgovora licem u lice sa oko 1500 pojedinaca, tražili vezu seksualnih preferencija odraslih sa mnogim različitim promenljivama, prvenstveno sa onima koje se odnose na porodične konstelacije (odnos majke i sina, odnos oca i kćerke) i adolescentske, vršnjačke odnose.

Među zaključcima autora nalazi se i činjenica da roditelji nisu odgovorni za seksualnu orijentaciju svoje dece, kao što to nisu ni društveni uticaji kao što su silovanje ili zavođenje, a ni nazivanje pogrdnim imenima i loša iskustva sa suprotnim polom. Dokazi pre upućuju na (moguće biološku) korelaciju između veoma rane rodne identifikacije i kasnije zrele seksualnosti. Autori tvrde: ''Verovatnije je da će dečaci i devojčice koji se ne prilagode stereotipnim shvatanjima šta znači biti muško ili žensko, postati homoseksualci/ke'' (str.221). Štaviše, promena ili preokretanje orijentacije, kako za homoseksualce, tako i za heteroseksualce, praktično ne dolazi u obzir. Konačno, oni zaključuju da je moguće da homoseksualci uživaju zrele, konstruktivne i zaslužne živote, i izražavaju nadu da će se na homoseksualce gledati u svetlu naučnih činjenica, a ne na osnovu predrasuda ili moralisanja, jer homoseksualnost nije ni voljni izbor, niti je patološka per se.

Neil Woodward

Prevod: Ivana

Iz: Thomas J. Whitby & Suzanne G. Frayser, Studies in Human Sexuality. A Selected Guide (2nd Edition), Engelwood, Colorado, 1995.


Sadržaj/ Contents


PART I: Background

1. Introduction

2. Making Sense of the Data

Obtaining Samples * The Interview Schedule * InterviewŹing Procedures * Reliability and Validity * Composite Measures * Comparing Homosexuals with HeterosexŹuals * Exploring Developmental Patterns * The Plan of the Book


3. Mothers

Mother-Son Relationships * Mothers' Personal Traits
* Identification with Mother * Conclusions

4. Fathers

Father-Son Relationships * Fathers' Personal Traits
* Identification with Father * Conclusions

5. Mother-Father Relationships
Marital Relationships * Marital Dominance * Conclusions

6. Brothers and Sisters

Birth Order and Sibling Constellations * Closeness and SimiŹlarity to Siblings * Sibling Sex Play * Conclusions

7. Gender Conformity

Play Activities s 'Gender Traits * Parents' Desire for a
Daughter * Conclusions

8. Outside the Family Circle

Relationships with Peers * Feeling Different * Labeling * Dating Experiences * Happiness and Self-Esteem* Conclusions

9. Childhood and Adolescent Sexuality

Homosexual Experiences * Heterosexual Experiences
* Comparisons of Homosexual and Heterosexual
Experiences * Age at Puberty, Masturbation, and Orgasm
during Sleep * Parents' Sexual Attitudes * Conclusions


10. Mothers

Mother-Daughter Relationships * Mothers' Personal Traits
Identification with Mother * Conclusions

11. Fathers

Father-Daughter Relationships * Fathers' Personal Traits
* Identification with Father * Conclusions

12. Mother-Father Relationships

Marital Relationships * Marital Dominance * Conclusions

13. Brothers and Sisters

Birth Order and Sibling Constellations Closeness and
Similarity to Siblings * Sibling Sex Play * Conclusions

14.Gender Conformity

Play Activities * Gender Traits * Parents' Desire for a Son
* Conclusions

15. Outside the Family Circle

Relationships with Peers * Feeling Different * LaŹbeling * Dating Experiences * Happiness and Self-Esteem * Conclusions

16. Childhood and Adolescent Sexuality

Homosexual Experiences * Heterosexual Experiences
* Comparison of Homosexual and Heterosexual Experiences * Age at Puberty, Masturbation, and Orgasm during
Sleep * Parents' Sexual Attitudes * Conclusions


17. The Development of Sexual Preference

18. Different Patterns of Development: Black Men and Women,
Effeminate Men and Masculine Women, Bisexuals, Homosex
uals in Therapy, Adult Life-Styles

Findings: Males * Findings: Females * Conclusions

19. Biology?

20. Epilogue

Appendix: Path Diagrams

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